Friday, May 6, 2011

Season Three Here we Come!

Well it's official, full-time off-farm work has ended, and full-time farming has begun! The greenhouse is quickly filling up with seedlings, the fields will be plowed shortly, and the animals are out in the grass...

Leroy has been helping me seed trays...
Last Thursday Lynn and Carly, my two right-hand farm gals, accompanied me to pick up the piglets from Hogwash Farm. We got Tamworths again, two girls and a boy, third year in a row!

Preparing their dishes for food and water after the long ride...

The chickens observing from the sidelines, waiting to catch a glimpse of our new farm loves...

And now, it's my pleasure to introduce Elouise, Winifred, and Elliot Winchester...

We also have a new rooster care of Nancy and Dave at Hogwash! We've named him Clancy Farnsworth, he's a Buckeye, and very sweet. He's already loving his ladies Carly and Lynn...

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