Monday, June 21, 2010


Today all the tomatoes got into the ground! This year we've got Pruden's Purple, Green Zebra, Sunkist, Yellow Perfection, and Black Cherry. The cherries will be PYO (pick your own) for the CSA, which is a new addition this year.

We also got all the eggplant into the ground, there are three different varieties of that as well!
The flower garden is also coming together slowly as things are ready to be transplanted out...
I've always heard farmers talk about how they could work from dawn until dusk and still have more work to do and I never quite understood what they were talking about, but this year that's all changed! I feel like there's a never ending list of projects to be done now that the frost-free zone has arrived (we hope!). Piggies need to be moved, tomatoes need to be trellised, winter squash needs to be transplanted, greens need to be seeded, onions need weeding, the winter garden needs mulching, the flower garden needs all kinds of love... the list goes on. But the great thing is things are growing, and well! I tend not to irrigate my fields because I feel like the plants should be able to fend for themselves, so far I've been successful with that approach, I hope that luck continues!

Before I sign off I thought I would leave you with some photos from the garden, the bakery, and one of my good little Abner with his ladies... the farm is a bundle of activity these days...

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